Whats New at the X site's Friends


Last Updated on Saturday, 5th December

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Updates done on December 5th 1998

* Five more season 5 scripts have been put up(504-508). Check it out here.

Updates done on October 18th 1998

* The second and third (502, 503), including the 100th Episode Spectacular, of the Season 5 scripts is out. Check it out here.

Updates done on October 1st 1998

* Some changes to interface. The first of the Season 5 scripts is out. Check it out here.

Updates done on July 15th 1998

* Some changes to interface and some more quotes from season 4. Check it out here.

Updates done on June 5th, 1998

* Added the last(!) season 4 scripts(now into 24th episode, the season finale!). Will Ross marry Emily or Rachel? Is Phoebe going into labour? Will Chandler and Monica sleep together? Will Fergie suck Joey's toe? Want to find out? Check it out here.

* Added a new (44KHZ, Stereo Version, CD quality) theme song. The last one was accidentally deleted by me, so it was down the last few days - Sorry. Go there now.

Updates done on June 1st, 1998

* Added one more season 4 scripts(now into 22nd episode, approching the season finale!), so check them out.

Updates done on May 1st, 1998

* Added more season 4 scripts(now into 21st episode), so check them out.

Updates done on April 18, 1998

* Added more season 4 scripts(now into 19th episode), so check them out.

Updates done on April 13, 1998

* Added more season 4 scripts(now into 17th episode), so check them out.

Updates done on March 29, 1998

* Added more season 4 scripts, so check them out.

Updates done on Feb. 20 1998:

* Added theme song section with mp3 download. Go there now.

Updates done on Feb. 13 1998:

* Added, well..., everything really. Replaced all the under construction crap.

* Added Quotes section (still to be updated), which was not originally planned.

* Added Season 4 scripts (yes, the ones not yet shown in Australia).

* Until I do my own episode guide, you'll have to link to WB's.

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