My Startrek WinAmp Skin
Get my StarTrek WinAmp Skin.

My Nice Looking WinAmp Skin
Get my nice looking WinAmp Skin.

These two are Winamp Skins, which changes the appearance of your default Winamp player. I made these two without much effort, so you'll probably find better ones elsewhere (try To install these skins follow the instructions below and there should be a readme.txt in the second (non-startrek) skin. Both are zipped and are small files (~20k).


1. Unzip all files to the "player"/skins/"name" directory, where "player" is the local directory of your WinAmp and "name" can be the name of any directory you want (eg. MyAmp or Startrek). So the files in the .zip will be in a directory structure like :
"c:\program files\winamp\skins\MyAmp\"

2. Go in to Winamp. Press ALT-S or go into the OPTIONS->Skin Browser option.

3. Select the "name" (eg. MyAmp or Startrek )skin (see above for what "name" means).

These skins and downloads are copyright of aXcess Designs, The Dermatologist and Xiao Fang as of 1998. Feel free to distribute and notify me if you want to include them on your page.